I love fighting bulls! THere are times when you hop in there and know you are going to get hit! The shots that hurt the worst are the ones you don't expect.
Up the road from the church is a middle school: Robinson. As I was heading home from work, I saw two girls yelling at each other in front of the school. One girl called another girl a name and I saw the book bags drop. In the time it took me to take of my sunglasses Girl A had a hold of Girl B's "nappy fro" (I use this term simple because Girl A used it to describe Girl B's hair). A couple sharp rights by Girl B had put Girl A in a backpedal; but if you have been paying attention Girl's A hand was stuck in the locks of Girl B's hair! So the girls are intertwined in a flurry of nails, dreds, and fists! They hit the ground with a thud and rolled down the embankment toward the street falling off the curb.
At this point I had pulled off my hat and sunglasses and pulled my truck over. I shut the truck off and hopped out. I bolted across the street just as the two girls were pulling hair and rolling down the hill into the street. Girl A slammed Girl B's head into the concrete just as I put Girl A into a head lock! They each got to their feet at the same time and I positioned myself to make a "pick" on girl A and take her away from Girl B. I still had Girl A in a headlock as i turned my body toward her to take a position between the two. I didn't quite make it all the way! Girl A threw a haymaker that did not land where she had hoped! It was her intention to land her shot in the face of Girl B; however, it landed on my Zygomatic arch just below my eye! I just held on until the principals showed up!
At the end of the day; I would rather deal with the bulls than the rough shot by a 80 lb jr. high girl! I kind of like working in the hood!