Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Good Man is dead because he was Good

The downfall of Uriah the Hittite was his loyalty and righteousness! Years ago a shepherd boy (David) was more righteous than God's annointed leader (Saul); and now we have a Hittite man (Uriah) more faithful than the King of God's People (David). As I read through the story of Uriah I can't help but see how his faithfulness and loyalty sealed his death.

After David had called him back from the front the first time; Uriah refused to sleep with Bathsheeba. Instead he slept on the steps to the palace because he was to be afforded no comforts while his men were at battle (2 Sam. 11.9-11). The whole predicament happened because David was affording himself comforts while his men were off at battle (11.1). Score one for Uriaih!

David would get him drunk the next day. Propositioning Uriah to go home, even in his drunken state the Hittite would be more righteous than the King of Israel was just weeks prior! David is covering his tracks and Uriah is too dependable to falter!

"In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it with Uriah. In it he wrote, "Put Uriah in the front line where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die." (2 Samuel 11.14-15)

Uriah carried his own death sentence. A man with lesser integrity would have checked the message that he was delivering, but not the man who refuses to rest while his troops were out in battle! Uriah was known by David as a fiercely loyal man. He had probably ran and hid with David and stood by him during Saul's chase. You don't get to the place in life that Uriah had attained with out some honor and dignity.

I hope someday that my integrity and loyalty will be the death of me as well!