Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Do you ever get that feeling...

Its not really of discontentment or regret; dissatisfaction or of worthlessness; but more a curiosity about life.  The last couple weeks seem almost like an out of body experience for me.  It is almost as if I have been watching my own life unfold like a television show.  You can watch the highs and the lows, hearing the music subtly rise and fall with the change in energy level.  

I have been able to take a vacation and fight bulls; seen a lot of kids activities; taught some lessons; and even get ready for the summer; over the last couple weeks.  Still there is a question of unfulfillment surrounding everything that I do.  I reading the other day and one thought kept running through my mind: "I don't even know who I am anymore."  So many things have been happening that are out of my element, it seems as though my personality and who I truly am have been swept aside in the currents and rip-tides that life seems to hold.  

Hear me on this; this is not a crisis of confidence or a question of belonging or worth; but simply a look into the depth of soul.  Charlie Brown is the only other person I have heard voice these thoughts.  It cant be just me and big headed charles brown!

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