Monday, February 21, 2011

The Purity Dinner

A couple weeks ago we had our Jr. High girls purity dinner. Twenty girls and their fathers came to the church for a Hawaiian dinner and a devotion by Julia Bruns. They made lei's and bracelets; but hopefully they talked. As I look at society as a whole the father figure has probably taken the largest amount of abuse.My great uncle (Hugh Beaumont) played WardCleaver in the popular television series Leave it to Beaver (just look atthe nose and you will see the similarities). I cant think of a time when Ward was made the butt of the joke or was shown to be incompetant. Cosby started it; Home Improvement franchised it; and Everybody Loves Raymond perfected it. The idea of theAmerican Male Head of Household being an imcompetent and lost individual. It is a perception that I fear is creeping into the American Church as well. But on this night, I was able to see fathers and daughters sitting and talking. Dads hugging their daughters and hearing about their dreams and their hopes. Julia did a fantastic job of letting the Girls know exacltly who they are in Christ. It was a great night.

Here is a big Shout out to Linda Bohlender and Bobby Sapp for decorating and to Julia for a wonderful message. Thanks Dads and Daughters for your involvement and you support. A huge thanks goes to our high school boys that served too!

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