Sunday, February 22, 2009

Celebrate Jesus, Celebrate

"I am joy impaired." John Ortberg first said it, I live it. Sure enough my joy level is not what it should be. Augustine said the "Christian should be an alleluia from head to foot." I have a little celebration in my right pinkie but thats about it. As I have been preparing for our youth group lesson tonight, I found something interesting.

Any contact that you have with the trinity has as a byproduct: joy.

Luke 15 tells the story of the wayward son. When he reunites with his Father, joy leaps off the page.

John 15 has Jesus explaining the purpose of his statements. He told the disciples this so that his joy in them might be complete.

Galatians 5 lists the fruits of the Spirit. Joy is the second one mentioned.

This finding raises some questions in my own life?

Is my lack of joy due to the limited contact I experience with God? If joy is really a byproduct of that realtionship, what's wrong with my relationship?

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