Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Political effect on Jr. High Ministry

I knew it was coming; however, this soon was a surprise. Party affiliations are just one thing that has now crept into Middle School ministry. Didn't see that coming. I thought we were going to have a fight tonight about it.

Every now and then you have one of those, What-on-earth-am-I-doing-with-my-life-moments, in youth ministry...just another one happened tonight. They arn't as often now as in the beginning, but still so hilarious.

Here at Central Park, we are somewhat diversified congregation on Wednesday nights. Every other day of the week we are a middle class white congregation. Wednesday nights bring in families with money, without money, or somewhere in between. We have hispanic kids, white kids, and black kids under this roof every Wednesday night. For a brief glimpse, the Church looks like the ethically-barrier free, non-culture-bound entity that it was made to be. It is awesome.

Tonight we discussed obedience, out of Daniel 1. The purpose was to show them how obedience in small things allows us to become more obedient in larger things. Daniel 1 practices Daniel for the Lions den in Daniel 6. Daniel 1 sets the stage for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3.

The question was simple: What is obedience? They answered swiftly and correctly.

Is there anyone who is difficult for you to obey? Suddenly a more conservate student raised his hand.

"Caleb, lets hear it." I said.

His response was fitting considering his infatuation with war and history. "Obama!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

I began to laugh. "Why, Obama?"

"Because he wants to take our guns and distribute wealth."

I composed myself briefly, in order to move on. Question time at jr. high youth group, is always and adventure, that I try to move through as quickly as possible. But in less time than it took you to read the last statement, one of our more "fiery" (for lack of a better term) neighborhood girls named Mykayla shot a glance his direction that slightly resembled the way Frodo looked when possessed by the ring, shot her arm over the back of the pew and yelled, "Don't you be talking about my Obama." I thought she was coming over the pew at him. In rage and in muscle, I think she had the upper hand.

I would have been worthless protecting him, because the second the words came out of her mouth, tears came out of my eyes. I fell onto the floor, writhing in my own laughter. For the life of me, I don't remember what I said in response, but whatever it was, it came in the spurts of breathing. I don't know where the lesson went from there, I honestly cant remember, but I am sure it wasn't good.

Afterward we had cinnamon rolls and shot army men with rubber bands. Fitting.

Post Script:

Watched all 3 Lord of the Rings films this last week on the advice of a couple of my high schoolers. I have one question: the stares between Frodo and Sam seemed awful seductive? It seemed like every time they looked at each other, it was awful long and awkward.

Started reading The Shack by Wm. Paul Young. It is a phenomenal book. Great story and great apologetical study. I love it and can't wait to finish it tonight.

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